
Hello! I'm a Magic The Gathering player that has been playing off and on for almost 20 years now. In that time I've stuck mostly to Legacy and Vintage, gone though phases of pure casual play, or weekly tournaments. I've played many types of decks, and I would even say I've innovated a few.

I've always tried to maintain a minimum amount of money regularly invested in MTG, so I've often had some of the more cheaper decks to build, and to this day lack some of the more staple cards of my favorite Eternal formats like Power 9, Workshops, Drains, and most of the set of Dual Lands. But despite those I do have a pretty sizable collection and can build about 75% of almost any deck at any given time, more of less.

My favorite deck throughout the years has generally been 9 Land Stompy, a deck that while I can not prove it, and it may not be that big of a claim to fame, I invented many years ago. I suppose the reason why I like it so much is in part due to the money cost of the deck being cheap and cheap decks generally being mono color agro decks. I've come to realize over the years that a agro deck in my hands is far more effective then other types. I can now look back on these key points and realize that it all makes sense, in that I would become good with agro based on my collection and investment with the game. The reason why this deck is my favorite might be in part cause I created it and it went on to catch on more then anything else I can lay that claim to, but I think it's mostly because it's surprisingly versatile against a meta in which I prepare it/myself for. Sadly with creatures and other spells that have been introduced for other decks over the past few years, it's strengths have kind of weakened comparatively while it has gained little to nothing to compensate for that, and I doubt it will be as good as it once was. Thankfully I have other decks/cards, and by no means is that the only deck I can play well. I'm no pro. I don't have any desire to invest the time/money it would take to do so. But I'm no scrub either.

As I mentioned, I have played MTG on and off these past 20 years, and I'm just coming back to the game after a 4 year period away from it. The Legacy community in my city was growing and getting pretty healthy despite usually being on life support, until the sole place to play it anymore shifted ownership and the regular Legacy scene was tossed aside by the new owner. Now there still isn't much of a place to play. I live in the Las Vegas area, and even if there was, it's a big city and it's very inconvenient to get to most card shops as they all seem to reside in the most random/obscure parts of town. Recently a old friend has re opened up shop and its the closest thing to me. There's no Legacy community there yet, but I'm hopeful! For now I just go there when I can, and play whatever format I have to/can. In addition to that I play MTGO (mostly Pauper) and Cockatrice.

I don't have a complete idea on what I plan to do with this blog yet. Perhaps I will just post some random articles of my own. While I may not have the accolades of some others who post articles online, I'm certain my insights and opinions will have value to some. And perhaps writing such articles of my own can help me learn and grow more. I've become a blogger/poster by nature, so creating a blog for my MTG thoughts makes sense, and I hope something helpful can come out of it. Maybe this can be used as some sort of launchpad if enough people find value in my words, and I can write for something else. Maybe I can add additional authors and turn this into a place where some of the more average joe's can be heard. Perhaps it can be used as a log of my personal journey of reacquainting myself with the format/game. Or maybe I can come up with some other hook for this blog to keep people coming back. We will see.

Anyway! Welcome to my blog. Good luck on your games! And I hope to see you come back! =)


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